Many people are baffled by the devotion of the Brits to their tea. This is not surprising if all you've ever had is a grey/brown insipid cup of liquid muck. But once you learn how to make tea properly, you may begin to see the magic.
You can make tea in a teapot or in a mug. If using a pot, you'll need one teabag per person, plus an extra one ('for the pot' - don't ask). If using a mug, place one teabag in it. Bring some water to the boil. If you don't have a kettle, use a saucepan. Don't try to boil water in the microwave.
If you are using a teapot, you will first need to warm the pot. When the water has boiled, pour some into the pot, swirl it round a few times, then pour it away. Bring the water back to the boil, add your teabags and add the boiling water. Put the lid on the teapot. If you're in a cold country and have a tea-cosy, put that onto the pot to keep the tea hot. If you are making your tea in a mug or cup, fill it with boiling water.
Using the teapot method, add a little milk to the cup and pour tea over it. Or part fill the cup with tea and add milk. The order of doing this is somewhat contentious, but I don't actually think it makes any difference.
And that's it. Proper tea!
Milk and sugar to taste.