Somebody asked me recently if I would make a Christmas pie. Well, I'm not sure there really is such a thing, but I thought a traditional raised-type pie would fit the bill, especially if it contained turkey and ham with a smattering of cranberries.
Grease the inside of a 20cm (8 inch) springform cake tin. When the pastry is almost at room temperature, take one third of it and roll it out into a disc a little bigger than the baking tin diameter. Make a hole in the centre with the narrow end of a funnel - this is to let steam escape during cooking and to pour the jelly through at the end. Roll out the remaining pastry into a large circle and carefully work it into the tin. You want to stretch the pastry into shape and try to avoid any folding or pleating. And definitely avoid making any holes in it.
Trim the excess pastry off with a knife, but leave a narrow rim all the way around the top. Put the pastry case and the lid in the fridge until you need them.
Moisten the rim of the case with cold water, put the lid on and firmly press the lid and case together. Raise up the rim so that it doesn't stick to the tin, and apply any style of crimping you like. You can also cut out some pastry holly leaves if you wish, and stick them on top of the pie with a bit of water. Brush the top of the pie with beaten egg, taking care to get the rim and crimping fully coated too. Rest the assembled pie in the fridge for 30-60 minutes.
Put the pie in a cold place until the jelly has set. Serve with cranberry jelly. Yum!
Beaten egg to glaze the pie. Cranberries for decoration.