Clootie dumpling is a traditional Scottish fruity suet pudding - an ancestor of the British Chistmas pud. It gets its name from the 'cloot' or cloth that it's cooked in.
Moisten your cooking cloth ('cloot') and sprinkle with a thin, even layer of flour. Tip out the pudding mix onto this, and tie the four corners of the cloth together. Leave enough string at both ends to enable you to loop it round the pan handles.
When the dumpling has cooked, remove it from the water and let it sit for a while until cool enough to handle. Unwrap the dumpling and place on the baking sheet.
Pop it in the oven for about 20 minutes to dry out and brown the crust. Turn it round halfway through drying to get even browning.
Serve with cream or custard.
Lots of water, muslin cloth (or a clean tea towel or pillow case), string.