Everybody loves chocolate brownies, don't they? With their slightly crispy top and bottom and chewy gooey interior, they are a treat.
You need to melt the butter. Probably the best way to do that is in a microwave. Cut the butter into small pieces and place in a microwave-safe bowl that's big enough to hold all your ingredients. Give it 30 seconds to start with, then additional 10 second bursts until the butter is all melted. Stir in the sugar, cocoa, vanilla and salt. Set aside to cool somewhat. You don't want the mixture to scramble your eggs. When it is cool, add one egg and stir it into the mix. When that is fully incorporated, do the same with the other egg. Stir in the flour, and keep stirring until you cannot see it any more.
When it's done, allow to cool completely. Trim the crunchy edges off (cook's perk, you can eat them), and divide the mega-brownie into 16, or 9 if you prefer a bigger brownie.
Vanilla essence, extract, bean paste or actual vanilla. Make sure your cocoa powder is just that, without any additives like sugar etc.